As British Telecom once said "It's good to talk". Of course, those were the days before mobile phones and it was a clear shallow attempt of a massive conglomerate company trying to entice innocent citizens into a run down small little red box which contained a stench so foul that it could send a yak crazy during mating season. However we don't need phone boxes anymore; we have the information-superhighway at our fingertips. Going back to the good old days of correspondence where it could take two days for someone to acknowledge that you had even tried to contact them at all, outstanding.
As a film director I have shown dedication to the cause by still owning multiple VHS tapes (35mm eat your heart out); after hearing this it is inevitable that you will want to speak to me directly. If you would like to send me a message, please do! As soon as you click the send button your email will be sent at the speed of light, shone through fibre optics where it will reach my inbox and sit there... waiting. As I cannot operate at these speeds you must forgive me and I will get back to you as soon as I can.